6 Amazing Facts About ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic
By Michelle Ranken
2 min read
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Very few people alive today are unaware of “Weird Al” Yankovic’s parody genius. He’s graced us with smash hits like “Amish Paradise,” and even co-wrote the screenplay for the recently released biopic entitled Weird: The Al Yankovic Story. Now here are six fascinating facts about the weird man himself. (Oh, and do yourself a favor and go watch the movie. We promise you won’t regret it.)
He Really Likes the Number 27 – Avid Weird Al fans may notice the number 27 in many of his lyrics. He first used it in “Like a Surgeon” and “This is the Life” simply because he found it to be a “pretty funny number” and because it fit into his lyrics well. After a fan pointed out his affinity for the number, he began intentionally incorporating it into more of his lyrics.
He Was a Young Genius – Al proved himself to be a standout student from a young age. He entered kindergarten a year early and then skipped second grade altogether. At age 16, he was valedictorian of his senior class. “My classmates seemed to think I was some kind of rocket scientist, so I was labeled a nerd early on,” he remarked.
“My Bologna” Was Recorded in a Bathroom – In 1979, Al recorded “My Bologna” (a parody of “My Sharona” by The Knack) in the bathroom across the hall from his college radio station. It was aired on The Dr. Demento Radio Show in 1976 and received an extremely favorable response from listeners, which is ultimately what led to him being signed to Capitol Records. So yes, that ridiculous scene in the beginning of the biopic really did happen.
He Doesn’t Swear – Due to his deeply held religious beliefs, Al abstains from swear words, alcohol, and all other substances in his personal life. You’ll notice that the biopic doesn’t contain any swear words either!
He Learned to Play the Accordion at Age 7 – The day before Al turned 7, a salesman went door to door around his hometown soliciting guitar and accordion lessons at a local music school. Al’s parents chose accordion lessons for him, and he quickly began learning how to play rock ‘n’ roll hits, primarily from listening to Elton John’s 1973 album Goodbye Yellow Brick Road over and over.
He Got His Moniker Through a College Gig as a DJ – Just how did Weird Al become, well, Weird Al? While studying at California Polytechnic State University, he landed a job as a DJ with the school radio station. In need of a moniker, he tacked on the word “Weird,” and the rest is history!
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